Metal Detecting
Metal Detecting in Germany
Dear visitor,
welcome to this website. It describes the thrill of private archaeology using a metal detector, shortly called metal detecting. The described searches took place in the years 2000-2005 in Central Europe, especially in Bavaria, southern Germany.

Author with metal detector
Over the years I have found many historical places and items ranging from Roman coins to a cannon ball of Napoleon to cached rifles of World War 2.
Unlike many other private metal detecting websites this one is not merely a collection of finds. Here the detector is used as a tool for an archaeological prospection. Finds are mapped and conclusions are drawn from the find distribution pattern, similar to a crime scene investigation. This is described in multi page search reports providing maps and background information.
Besides description of my own finds and searches various articles concerning miscellaneous topics related to treasure hunting and history riddles are included.
Military archaeology
Wars always played a decisive role in history. And military finds come with a special thrill. Therefore special emphasis is placed on battlefield archaeology resp. military archaeology ranging from Napoleon to World War 2, including found firearms, bayonets and other military items.

Found World War 2 Weapons
Weapons left behind by the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division 'Prinz Eugen' at the end of world war 2: 88mm cartridge, German 'egg' grenade, Carcano bayonet, MP40 submachine gun, Carcano rifle, Carbine 98 ammo pouch, 88mm shell carrying device.
Main sections
(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.