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Post World War 2

Usually, my historical interest ends 1945. In some cases, though, even more recent items can be interesting.

Plane debris

One day I discovered several items of 2 mm aluminium sheet in a forest. First I considered them garbage but when I found the depicted, relative large item it became clear this was plane debris. I was told these items are of post war production.

Years later, I received word that in the 1960s a Boeing Super Constellation crashed several km away. Maybe this plane lost these pieces prior to impact. In this case it must have had virtually rained such pieces as I found many of them , say, 20 m apart from each other.

Modern aerial photos of the find spot do not show any unusual patterns in the forest as a result of a plane crash.

Plane Debris View 1

Plane Debris View 1.

Drink can for size comparison.

Plane Debris View 2

Plane Debris View 2.

Snake Ear Clip

Since I do not search lakes and beaches usually I do not find any jewelry. This piece was not found during historical research but in the middle of downtown Munich. It pays to keep the eyes open. The item is made of 750/1000 gold (18 carat) and is embroidered by a diamond. It is framed by a snake biting its tail.

Front Side

Ear Clip. 750 gold.

18 carat.

Back Side

Ear Clip Backside.

(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.

World War 2 Other Military Items