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Oak Island Story

Oak Island Story

Oak Island is a small Island off the Canadian Atlantic coast. At the end of the 18. century a hunter found traces of a re-filled hole on the uninhabited island. Near the depression was a mighty tree and remains of ropes were hanging from a branch above the hole. With some friends he started to dig because he suspected hidden treasure. In 3 m (10 feet) intervals they encountered wooden planks. When the pit was several 10 m deep – and well below sea level – it was flooded with salt water. Supporters of the mystery consider that some sort of security device against intruders.

During the 19. and 20. century many companies with up to date machinery made attempts to pump out the water and to dig deeper. Though the reached depths of up to some 60 m (180 ft) punping was difficult. It seemed that the pit was connected to the sea via tunnels.

Traces of human activities like an inscribed stone or cocos fibre were found in the pit, so it was claimed, but nothing of value. Several people died in digging accidents, the last ones in the 1960s.

Today Oak Island is virtually riddled with pits and shafts. It is not possible to locate the original pit. At least partly the island is property of two searchers who do hardly talk with each other. The search is dormant for some 20, 30 years, partly or entirely due to lack of funds. In 2004 or 2005 the island was for sale.

(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.

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