Find distribution in time and space (5/15)
Find distribution in time and space
The find map is prepared – just the finds are missing. So I took detector and shovel and spent several days on skull hill. Again, a moment of truth. Would all the research pay off? Are WW 2 relics waiting to be found? Sure, I saw some foxholes but my previous experiences – described in part 1 of this report– taught me that foxholes did not guarantee finds.
To let the cat out of the bag, the answer is yes. There were WW 2 relics to be found. Finds from many other periods were also made. To give you an overview of the find results let me now show you the complete find map. Each find is represented by a symbol as mentioned earlier. Parts of an object and the complete object are marked with the same symbol.
Following the map you will find a detailed key that explains all used symbols. However, at this point I suggest that you look at the map from the distance. Don’t worry about individual finds. They will be presented later period by period. At this point it is sufficient to know that the purple line marks the searched area and that symbols of a certain colour mark finds of a certain age.
The overall find map
Note how uneven the finds are spread. The vast majority of the finds are located at the slopes of skull hill towards south (the village) and east (the road). The flat hill tops contained surprisingly little finds. The flat high ground in the north west is virtually void of finds. (The light blue squares mark foxholes)). Was this area searched by someone else? In strong contrast there is a very high find density on the linear structure southwest of skull hill. On that line a find was made every two meters / 2.2 yards. That is why the symbols overlap. I am sure this is an abandoned way.
There is no increased find density near the modern ways (black lines).
Map key
Each find has a number and a symbol. This key explains how the symbol colors symbolize the time frame while the symbol icons express the nature of the found item.
(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.