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Older Finds (5/10)

Older Finds

The search went on for hours without any finds worth mentioning. In particular no positively dated Roman finds were made at all. Then, finally, some older finds showed up.

Socket axe

Socket axe 10 cm long. Find state.

262 gram.

The first great old find was a small iron socket axe. These axes were in use from Celtic times 5. century BC to Roman times. Some more detail on iron socket axes are given in the “selected finds” section. Actually, this small 10 cm axe was found at the very first day at the site. So I was very enthusiastic and had great expectations but found very little in the next search days.

Slim Knife

Knife AD 0 to 1000.

The other older find was this slim, curved knife. Dating knifes is difficult but I think it can be put into the early medieval period (6.-10. century). The rock created an alkaline environment and so helped to keep corrosion at a minimum.

(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.

First Metal Detecting Finds (4/10) Time Capsule (6/10)