Age is relative (12/15)
Age is relative
We have reached the end of our journey through time. So much to the history of skull hill. To conclude this chapter I would like to return to a thought mentioned in the beginning. The idea that it may facilitate to see the relations of time if we put ourselves in the position of the hill and imagine that the last 10000 years were just a day. Ideas like that help to remind me how insignificant I am. Others watch the stars or walk through the desert or sail the ocean. I look into the infinity of time.
For those who like this game of thoughts the chapter concludes with a list of events and the time they occurred within this 24 hour time span.
A day in the life of skull hill:
00:00:00 (midnight): Ice age over, the sun shines on the hill again. The previous darkness lasted one entire day.
13:12:00 (1:12 pm): Pyramids build in Egypt
14:24:00 First metal used (bronze) in the region of skull hill
20:24:00 Oldest find (small knife #19) is manufactured. The Roman empire collapses. It lasted 2 ½ hours. The day is almost over! Just 3 ½ hours left.
23:31:12 Napoleon appears on the world stage. On skull hill a copper coin is lost (#27)
23:51:22 World War 2 ends – it lasted 52 seconds. War equipment is intentionally hidden on the hill.
24:00:00 A two legged creature with glasses and a metal detector appears. It is 5 minutes old and has a lifespan of meagre 10 minutes. It just needs 0.2 seconds to collect all metal items it could find – a flicker of an eyelid. Skull hill could not care less.
(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.