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Journey through time (6/15)

Journey through time

So much for the introduction. Now please let me invite you to a journey through time. For each time period selected finds will be presented. In few cases detecting experiences will be told. The following find maps will not merely show a symbol per find but also an ID number and an optional comment. This ID number is used throughout this report, e.g. in the find list in the appendices.

From the ice age (8000 BC) to the year 0

Where to start? Skull hill is million years old. Our journey will start 10000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Sometimes it helps to look at things from the distance. Compared with a human life span 10000 years is a tremendous time span. For human activity in Central Europe, which go back some 700.000 years it is not. For skull hill it is just one day in his life.

Skull hill saw light again some 10000 years ago when the ice withdrew into the alps. The whole area was hilly and not very fertile. Skull hill was naked rock. It took centuries before the trees arrived. There were few human beings around. In these days the population was just 1/10000 of the present numbers. The few humans in the country preferred more friendly areas for farming. The valley .was probably used for very, very light traffic though it was pretty muddy. Maybe once or twice a month somebody walked along. Human activity on skull hill was very limited. At least as far as the metal using period is concerned which started some 2000 years BC. Not a single find can be dated to that period. There is no reason to believe that the situation was different in earlier times.

(C) Thorsten Straub 2006-2019.

Find distribution in time and space (5/15) Antiquity and the medieval period (7/15)